There are lots of webcomics out there. We’re just one more addition to an ever expanding market. As such, the biggest problem we face is obscurity. So in an effort to expand our readership we decided to grab the bull by the horns, and take a leaf out of the world of traditional product marketing.

We’ve had flyers printed.

We didn’t go for a small-but-expensive print run, but neither did we go for a huge-but-cheap run. Consequently each flyer costs us about 16p – not a huge amount, but enough that we don’t really want to see them end up in the bin, if we can possibly avoid it. If you’ve found your way here as a result of receiving one of these flyers, we’d really appreciate it if you would pass it on. Better still, put it on the notice board at work or somewhere similar – the more people who see each leaflet, the more effective our 16p has been.

The flyer looks something like the one below, and is A5 size. Don’t click on the image unless you really want to download the full-resolution 300dpi version. If you’re feeling incredibly generous, and would like to support our efforts, please go ahead and print out a copy of the big version to pass on. You’re also welcome to send the small version in an email, stick it on your Facebook page, or otherwise use it to promote our little webcomic.

There’s a slight difference between the versions of the leaflet here, and the versions that we’ve had printed. On the latter, the last line reads:

This flyer is printed on paper from a sustainably managed forest. No Ents were harmed in its production.

Obviously we can’t know what paper you might use if you decide to print this leaflet yourself, so we can’t make claims about sustainable forestry, and have removed that section and re-worded the last bit of the line. If you’ve come here because you’re wondering what the hell an Ent is, you probably need to see this wikipedia page.

We’ve also made the SVG file available for this flyer. This should be useful if you want to re-work it to suit a different paper size, translate it, just generally take it apart, or look for the hidden Easter Egg. Yes, that’s right, we’ve even put an Easter Egg into our promotional leaflet! The SVG file can be downloaded via the link below:

Click here to download the SVG source for this flyer

That leaflet is our main promotional tool at the moment, but we have also knocked together a couple of small banner ads. If you’ve got a website or Facebook page and would like a small image to help promote The Greys, please feel free to use one of these.

Finally, if you do pass on our flyer, print your own, email a copy or stick any of our images, comics or banners onto your site, then thank you very much. With no promotional budget to speak of, we do rely on word-of-mouth to let people know about this site. We couldn’t do it without your help, and it really is appreciated.